COUSTEAU EMBLAS Project Infographics: Anoxic Layer of the Black Sea

COUSTEAU teamed up with the “EMBLAS Plus” project to create an exhibition consisting of 5 infographics in the form of panels. The EMBLAS Plus project is funded by the European Union and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

The main objective of this project is to help improve the protection of the Black Sea by collecting data. From there the aim is to establish a general consensus on the state of the Black Sea and carry out local actions which raise the awareness of the public and decision makers.

The infographics are a way to showcase the huge amount of research data while making it digestible to the general public.

Anoxic Layer of the Black Sea:

A unique characteristic of the Black Sea is it’s anoxic layer. This infographic tells us what we need to know about this oxygen free zone and the danger of its rise.

On Friday we shared the cover panel of this series called “The Black Sea at a glance”. 

To accompany this series of infographics we are sharing the Cousteau film series on the Danube. The Danube is Europe’s second longest river and after numerous alliances reaches the Black Sea 2880 km away from its source in the Black Forest.

This week’s film is Danube: The Curtain Rises

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For more information about the EMBLAS Plus project and to view the series in other languages please visit: