News from the Cousteau Society
Thank You for Taking the Cousteau Challenge!
Thank you for taking the cousteau Challenge! Join the Cousteau Society and Protect What You Love! Thank you for joining us in the first-ever Cousteau

Cousteau Challenge
Take the Cousteau Challenge! Take The Cousteau Challenge! Take Action for Our Oceans and Join the Cousteau Challenge This World Oceans Month! As World Oceans

Earth Day 2023: Invest in the Planet, Invest in Your Future
“For most of history, man has had to fight nature to survive; in this century he is beginning to realize that, in order to survive,

Cousteau, One Ocean film series: Danube, the curtain rises
Welcome to the #CousteauOneOcean film series. Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau dedicated his life to discovering the Ocean’s treasures, through his films we were able to see

Cousteau Ocean Festival: Celebrating the Ocean
The Ocean is a gift of nature that needs to be appreciated. We all need a healthy ocean and must fight to protect it and

[UPDATED] The Cousteau Society and National Geographic documentary film
Captain Cousteau worked with National Geographic in the 1960s before founding The Cousteau Society in the United States in 1973. He gave TCS exclusive worldwide