News from the Cousteau Society

Cousteau Kids
Sounds of the Sea
You might think that the ocean is a pretty peaceful place beneath its surface, but that’s far from the truth. Captain Cousteau knew firsthand just
April 30, 2020

Cousteau Kids
Sea bunnies
QUICK FACTS: Lifespan: A few months to a year. Group: Nudibranch (sea slugs) Found: In places like the Philippines, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea, Australia Colors:
April 30, 2020

Cousteau Kids
Immortal Jellyfish
What if a white-haired, stooped over, 100-year old man could turn himself back into a child? Then, the child grows up into an old
April 30, 2020

Cousteau Kids
Danger in the deep sea
It’s mind boggling to think about how deeply connected each one of us is to the deepest parts of the ocean. Even if we live
April 30, 2020

Cousteau Kids
Chambered Nautilus
If you’ve never seen a nautilus before, you may have thought that they came from a story about alien invaders, not from our very own
April 30, 2020